There is nothing more heartbreaking than witnessing your child battle a serious medical condition, especially toddlers. They are too young to fully comprehend the consequences, which is why you need to navigate everything from medical care to treatment plans.
Of course, it is not easy on you either, as you need to ensure that they receive the best care. Even the process of such care can be too overwhelming to deal with. Here is what you need to know about navigating medical care for your toddler with a serious medical condition.
Key Notes
- Prepare your child before each visit or treatment
- Boost your knowledge through various resources
- Remain patient and understanding throughout this process
- Check if your toddler is reaching developmental milestones or not
Know What To Expect At The Doctor’s Office
Preparing your child and yourself about what to expect at the doctor’s office is crucial. Here are some things the checkup will include and how you can prepare your kid:
- Physical examination
- Measurement of weight, length, and head circumference
- A detailed review of the development of your child and their progress report
- Discussion of eating habits
- Safety questions about toddler-proofing the house
- What you can expect of what is to come
Of course, there is much more. However, toddlers might be scared about a painful procedure when they visit the doctor. So, it is important that you let them know what will happen and if it will hurt so that they can feel safe while going to the doctor.
Make Sure They Have Met Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones are important to reach when your toddler is growing up. However, this can be challenging if they are dealing with a serious medical condition. Measuring these milestones will help you identify the delays and what you need to do about them.
For example, by age two, your toddler needs to:
- Walk on their own
- Push and pull toys
- Imitate the actions of other
- Follow simple guidelines
- Create sentences with two words
If these developmental milestones have not been met, then you need to talk to your doctor about the care of your child. You might have to modify a lot of things to provide your toddler with support to reach these milestones.
However, it will help them in the long run so that they can easily navigate medical care.
Learn Through Various Resources
Navigating medical care is not easy if you don’t have the right information at your disposal. Because of this, it is important for you to have various resources from which you can learn. There are many resources online that will help you navigate such care.
Besides that, you can also get various books that are specific to the care your child needs, depending on their condition. Knowledge is your superpower, and it will help you be more confident so that you can support your toddler.
You can make it a mission to read every day regarding medical care and condition so that you can also make sound decisions for your toddler.
Provide Them With Support
While navigating medical care is an important part, you also need to offer support to your toddler as you make your way through the system. That is because you will have to face a lot of things during the care.
These include examinations, talking to the doctor, injections, medicines, procedures, and even therapy.
All of this can take a toll on your toddler and overwhelm them. Most toddlers will not know how to express their frustration during this process, and they will start crying or throwing tantrums.
This is where your support will help the child in the best way possible.
You will have to soothe them, be there for them, and help them understand that it is good for them and it won’t last. Patience and understanding are the keys to navigating medical care with your toddler.
Prepare Your Child
Finally, the only way to make the navigation of medical care a little easier on yourself is to prepare your toddler. You must let them know what to expect and what they will go through at the doctor’s.
Make sure that you use a friendly and calm tone during this entire time while being close to your toddler.
It will help them feel safe and secure as you make your way through treatments and care. When they feel safe and prepared, the process of medical care will go much more smoothly.
Final Thoughts
Nothing will ever prepare you for navigating medical care with a toddler with serious medical conditions. However, these guidelines will help you have a better idea of what you can do to make this process easier for you and your toddler.
You must remain patient and look at the bright side as you provide your toddler with the best care they need.